What is a Collaborative Divorce in Los Angeles

What is a Collaborative Divorce in Los Angeles

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Our Los Angeles Divorce and Family law firm, handles collaborative matters. If you and your spouse are considering divorce or in need of resolving a marital conflict, a new alternative to the traditional litigation approach is called a Collaborative Law process for Family Law, and can be applied to any family law matter, divorce, legal separation, pre and post marital agreements or any other marital conflict. Now favored by State Courts and codified in the law, this new modern approach provides a way for all parties and professionals to agree to an out-of-court solution which removes the threat of litigation but still retains the benefit of legal representation for the purpose of developing fair and durable settlement agreements.

Trained collaborative attorneys, parenting coaches, financial specialists, and other professionals come together as a team to work with your family to educate, advise, and guide your family towards mutually agreeable solutions in a respectful, but structured transformative environment in which the parties maintain complete control.  It is an effective and new way to end a marriage or resolve a martial conflict without the acrimony, anger and resentment which often results from protracted conventional legal and adversarial litigation. Collaborative Law is fast, cost-effective, and protects you and your children from the harm associated with litigation and adversarial divorce.

The benefits of a collaborative divorce with the Atighechi Law Group is that

  1. It’s faster and more effective than going through the court system. The courts are on a different timetable and schedule than the parties. Filing a motion in court can take 6 months to be heard. The courts are backed up, they have to squeeze in emergency matters, and they simply do not have the time to hear your case on an expedited basis. Your case could be pushed to the back, and it could take months.
  2. You are in control of the process and outcome. Do not leave it up to the judge who does not know you nor is invested i your life. During a collaborative process you are in control of the outcome.
  3. Cost effective. A collaborative divorce is far more cost effective than litigation. You will save 75% of the cost by keeping the case out of court.
  4. Less stress. A divorce is an extremely difficult and stressful situation, and the court system adds many layers to that emotional distress, since a collaborative divorce keeps it out of the courts hands you will have less stress through the process.

What Is A Collaborative Divorce? – Forbes Advisor
