What is a PPA in Los Angeles Family Law Matters?

What is a PPA in Los Angeles Family Law Matters?

Call us to schedule a consultation regarding your custody matter!

Our Los Angeles Family Law firm handles custody matters that involve PPA’s. A PPA is a “Parenting Plan Assessment” in Los Angeles County where in the Family Court Services department, a court employee, usually a social worker or psychologist evaluates the case to recommend a parenting plan for the court. The evaluation usually consists of interviewing parents, the children, and collaterals. The collaterals in the case could be anyone that the parents recommend which is usually family members, teachers, and other individuals that can help provide some insight into the case.

The child custody evaluation is an investigation of your child’s health, safety, welfare, and best interests by a trained mental health professional (an evaluator). At the end of the investigation, the evaluator will provide a report to you and the judge with a recommendation for a parenting plan in your child’s best interests.

In any case with serious allegations of child sexual abuse or child abuse, a lengthier evaluation is required. This type of evaluation will also include consultation with child welfare services and law enforcement and an investigation into the allegations. The evaluator’s report will also include how to ensure the child’s safety.

The cost of a PPA is usually split between the parents but depending on the party’s income and financial resources one parent could be liable for the entire cost. The parent responsible for payment is usually court ordered.

A PPA is very beneficial in cases of relocation, where one parent wishes to move with the children, cases of emotional abuse, and/or disagreements over the parenting plan.

We have handled many cases that involve a Parenting Plan Assessment and can provide you with the guidance and advocacy that you need!

Child Custody in Los Angeles and all of California
