California Law is clear, if you are married at the time you give birth there is a presumption that the child belongs to your husband. You could be separated, living apart or even with a new significant other but the law would still presume that the person whom you are legally married to, is the father of the child, who bears all of the legal responsibilities that come with being a parent. Kim K. is now stuck in this predicament. Once she has Kanye’s child, Kris Humphries is presumed to be the father of the child. In order to overcome that presumption, she seeks a bifurcation from the court. A bifurcation, upon good cause, would change her married status to single and provide that all unresolved issues that stemmed from the marriage would be determined at a later date. Kris Humphries seeks an anullment alleging the wedding was fraudulently devised so Kim K. could profit millions of dollars from her wedding.