Community Property Accounts


Community Property Accounts

A common issue that occurs at times of divorce is when a party has sole possession over a community property bank account.  In this case, there are at times a concern that party will deplete the account which would prejudice the other spouse as there would be no more money left to distribute the community property share.

In a situation like this it is best to retain an experienced attorney as a perseverance of the funds is a priority.   There are options at hand for the client and attorney to preserve funds. An option could be to have the funds transferred to an attorney client trust account and place a freeze on the money.  There are other legal ramifications at hand, allowing an attorney to obtain court orders to make sure the funds are properly maintained.

Again, it is important to have an experienced attorney to handle these complex issues.  There could also be breach of fiduciary duties that could be made in order to seek relief.  The Atighechi Law Group handles many of these financial complex cases and have experience in issues such as this one.  The Atighechi Law Group is located in Beverly Hills which is the heart of Los Angeles. We can help you with all complex financial issues relating to the divorce which includes preserving funds and accounts.  We believe in protecting our clients in what they value the most: property, children, family and assets.  We want our clients to walk away with the most money possible.



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